Saturday, January 5, 2013

English Films History - Index for the Year

English Films History

1882 Étienne-Jules Marey invented a chronophotographic gun in 1882  capable of taking 12 consecutive frames a second, recording all the frames on the same picture.

1888 Louis Le Prince made a film on October 14, 1888 in Roundhay, Leeds, England.It is now known as the earliest surviving motion picture. He also took a patent.

1889 On June 21, 1889, William Friese-Greene was issued patent no. 10131 for his 'chronophotographic' camera with capability to take  up to ten photographs per second using perforated celluloid film.

1891 W. K. L. Dickson, working under the direction of Thomas Alva Edison,  developed camera, called the Kinetograph which  was patented in 1891 and it took a series of instantaneous photographs on standard Eastman Kodak photographic emulsion coated on to a transparent celluloid strip 35 mm wide. The picture was shown to  public in 1893, using the viewing apparatus also called the Kinetoscope that permitted viewing  by one person at a time looking into it through a peephole, after starting the machine by inserting a coin.

1894  Charles Francis Jenkins came out with  his projector, the Phantoscope, with the first showing before an audience in June 1894.

1895 Louis and Auguste Lumière developed  the Cinématographe, an apparatus that projected film. They gave their first show of projected pictures to an audience in Paris in December 1895.

1905 The first successful permanent theatre only showing films termed as Nickolodeon was opened in Pittsburgh in 1905.

1929 Alfred Hitchcock's Blackmail (1929) is given credit as the first British sound feature.

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